By Beth David, Editor Hundreds of people showed up to celebrate with the Acushnet Fire Department at its annual lighting of the Christmas display at Fire Station #1 on Sunday, 12/4/22. The Ford Middle School Chorus led the crowd singing Christmas carols, Santa joined the party for photos, and children received coloring books and crayons. Hot… [Read More]
Acushnet Housing Authority residents show art talent
By Beth David, Editor Tenants of the Acushnet Housing Authority showed off their artistic talents at an art show on Thursday, 12/1/22. The Acushnet HA received an Arts Wellness Grant through the Acushnet Cultural Council to offer activities such as painting and crafting to promote socialization, health, and wellbeing after the COVID pandemic. Classes were free… [Read More]
Legal Notice: Acushnet ZBA
Acushnet Zoning Board of Appeals The Zoning Board of Appeals is hereby giving notice that a meeting will be held by the Board on Tuesday, December 20th, 2022, at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Hall Meeting Room located at 122 Main Street. 1. Case #2022.12.20A A case of the Estate of Arlene F. Burtch c/o Vicki… [Read More]
Bike run collects food and toys
By Beth David, Editor The annual Acushnet Lions Club Bike Run/Toy Drive at the Rivers End Cafe drew about 50 motorcycles on Sunday, 11/27/22. Rivers End owner Mark DeSilva said businesses and individuals donated a variety of items and services to make the event a successful one. Adams and Adams donated use of their truck; the… [Read More]
Acushnet pins new fire chief, hires police officers
By Beth David, Editor Acushnet’s new fire chief got sworn in and three new police officers were hired at the Acushnet Selectboard meeting on 11/22/22. Town Clerk Pamela Labonte swore in Fire Chief Thomas Farland, and Chief Farland’s mother Patricia pinned his badge on him. The Oath of Office binds him to upholding and defending the… [Read More]
Acushnet Fire Department holds open house
The Acushnet Fire Department held an open house last month, welcoming the public to a day of demonstrations and hands on activities. The public was invited to check out the fire apparatus, the station, and watch safety presentations. “We all had an amazing time hosting our Open House,” wrote the department on its Facebook page…. [Read More]
Legal Notice: Acushnet Snow Parking Ban
TOWN OF ACUSHNET SNOW STORM – PARKING BAN By vote of Town Meeting, parking is restricted, as follows:in water district parking allowed opposite side of hydrants, out of water district parking allowed north side of street running east and west and parking allowed on west side of streets running north and south.Violators subject to being… [Read More]
Leal Notice: Acushnet Planning Comm
Acushnet Planning Commission Notice of Public Hearing Request for a Finding Relative to a Denial of a ZBA Application Lot 24 15 Katherine Street, Acushnet MA Notice is hereby given that the Acushnet Planning Board will conduct a public hearing on December 1, 2022 @ 6:30pm in the Board of Selectmen’s meeting room at Town… [Read More]
Help us learn about your health and needs! We are looking for Residents of Acushnet, who are caregivers, to participate in a focus group to discuss issues and concerns of health in the community. Meet with us on your choice of Tuesdays: November 29th or December 6th or December 13th for one hour, time to… [Read More]
Acushnet holds Veterans Day ceremony
By Beth David, Editor The town of Acushnet held a Veterans Day ceremony at its Veterans Memorial on 11/11/22. The event featured remarks by Selectboard chairperson David Wojnar, several musical selections, the reading of the famous letter by Civil War Union Soldier Sullivan Ballou, the national anthem, and the raising of the flag by seven veterans… [Read More]
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