The captain becomes incapacitated or falls overboard; you purchase a new boat and step aboard for the first time. You are Suddenly In Command. This 2½ hour boating safety primer is designed for those not generally at the helm, and will help you to “be prepared” with the basics in case of an emergency…. [Read More]
HARC meeting
Local environmental advocacy group Hands Across the River Coalition, Inc. meets monthly with the next meeting taking place Wed., 5/ 25, from 6–7:45 p.m. at the Millicent Library, Fairhaven. Open to the public. Please use the Walnut Street entrance on lower level. HARC advocates for the safe cleanup of New Bedford Harbor and other contaminated… [Read More]
Neighb News launches new website
By Beth David Editor The Fairhaven Neighborhood News has a new look online. Thanks to the generosity of Jeffrey Wotton of Spectrum Advertising, the Neighb News website has been completely redesigned. The new website includes a spot on the main page to highlight stories, but also includes the whole newspaper in a PDF document. The… [Read More]
Charity Stevens Lane plan continued at ConCom
By Beth David Editor Neighbors had a lot to say about a proposal to build three homes on Charity Stevens Lane, proposed by Ronald Oliveira, at the Fairhaven Conservation Commission’s meeting on Monday, 5/9. Speaking for the petitioner, engineer Christian Farland explained that the fill that had been moved to the site was tested and… [Read More]
Academy siding vs. shingles: There’s another side to the story
By Beth David Editor Fairhaven Historical Commission Chairperson David Despres is shaking his head, saying he was “blindsided” by the “shingle deniers,” who opposed replacing the siding at the Academy Building with cedar shingles. Mr. Despres said that there is photographic evidence that the Academy had shingles for about 100 years. Either way,… [Read More]
Herring Fest highlights sawmill property, return of herring
Wildlife rehabilitator Tom Ricardi handles a Golden Eagle at the first Acushnet River Herring Festival at The Sawmill Acushnet River Reserve on Saturday, 5/14. The property is open to the public from dawn to suck every day. Photo by Beth David. By Beth David EditorOn a brilliantly sunny day, and one of the few warm… [Read More]
Annual NALC food drive nets 4700+ pounds for Shepherd’s
The 24th annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive by the National Association of Letter Carriers collected 4,760 pounds from Fairhaven residents for the Shepherd’s Pantry in Acushnet. In Greater New Bedford, more than 28,000 pounds were collected. The pantry accepts donations all year through two donation bins, one at the Millicent Library and one at… [Read More]
More than 500 join Blessing of the Bikes
The 18th annual Blessing of the Bikes for St. Joseph School in Fairhaven sent 503 motorcycles roaring through town on Sunday, 5/15. The group started from Ft. Phoenix and rode up past St. Joseph Church on Spring Street, then went on a two-hour ride along the backroads. The ride ended at the Ice House in… [Read More]
Acushnet hears from Mass. Energy Facilities Siting Board
By Pattie Pacella Neighb News Correspondent Just a little more 100 residents from surrounding towns attended the Thursday, 5/12 meeting at Ford Middle School in Acushnet with the Mass. Energy Facilities Siting Board. Robert Shea, an MEFSB representative, advised residents that they would be called upon one by one to share their concerns or comments…. [Read More]
Jackson’s Variety robbed by armed man
Press Release Fairhaven Police responded to a report of an armed robbery that occurred at Jackson’s Variety Store, located at 114 Sconticut Neck Road, just after 10:30 Sunday night, 5/15. When police arrived, they were informed by the store owner that a black male entered the store, wearing a black face mask and black bandana…. [Read More]