Veterans Day is Monday*, with several options to honor vets
Fairhaven Veterans Day Parade
Fairhaven will hold its annual Veterans Day Parade on 11/11 at 10 a.m. (NOTE TIME CHANGE). Steps off from Livesey Park and ends at the High School for a brief ceremony, including raising the “Big Flag” and cannon-firing in front of Fairhaven High School. Veterans and other marching groups are welcome to line up at Livesey Park by 9:30 a.m. See ad on back cover.
Flag Raising at Ft. Phoenix at 8 a.m. and lowering at 4 p.m., includes small cannon salute. The public is invited.
Acushnet Ceremony
The town of Acushnet will be conducting its 12th annual Veterans Day Celebration on Monday, 11/11, at 9:45 a.m. at the Acushnet Veterans Memorial Park, on Main Street in front of Pope Park, 96 Pope St. Features guests, flight of doves, pipers, honor guard, and SCG helicopter flyover. Refreshments to follow at 10:30 conclusion.
The public is strongly encouraged to attend to show support for our veterans.
New Bedford Parade
New Bedford will hold its annual parade on Monday, 11/11, stepping off at 11 a.m. Groups should meet at Buttonwood Park, Rockdale Avenue side to form. The parade begins at Rockdale Avenue and proceeds down Union Street to County, to William, to the front of the library on Pleasant Street downtown, where a service will be held.
All the details were not available by press time. Check with the New Bedford Veterans Services office for updates at 508-991-6184, or
Bells will ring at 11:11
At 11 a.m., marking the signing of the Armistice of 11 November 1918, bells will toll across the country including bells in local municipalities.
*Fixes error from previous versions, Tuesday, not Monday.
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