With his daughter Rosemarie, his grandson Joseph, and great-grandson William, WWII veteran Anthony H Thomas of New Bedford admires the handmade patriot quilt presented to him as a thank-you by members of the Shining Tides Quilt Guild on 11/3/19 at the VFW Poirier Post in New Bedford, where they gave 60 quilts to 60 veterans. Photo by Glenn C. Silva for the Neighb News
Press Release
It was a lovely November day with all the outside fall colors, and inside the VFW Poirier Post it was abundant with patriotic colors of red, white and blue. Even the chairs that were placed in a horse shoe shape for the veterans that were being honored were covered with pillowcases made from patriotic colored material. As the veterans checked in, the room became filled with bustling chatter as the veterans introduced themselves to each other.
Shining Tides Quilt Guild Program Chairperson, Donna Peirce, organized the event. Approximately sixty (60) quilts were presented as a thank-you for their service to local veterans. The veterans were chosen by the guild members either personally or through another acquaintance. The whole idea of the event came to Donna as the Poirier Post is the new location for the guild’s monthly day meeting.

With his daughter Rosemarie, his grandson Joseph, and great-grandson William, WWII veteran Anthony H Thomas of New Bedford admires the handmade patriot quilt presented to him as a thank-you by members of the Shining Tides Quilt Guild on 11/3/19 at the VFW Poirier Post in New Bedford, where they gave 60 quilts to 60 veterans. Photo by Glenn C. Silva for the Neighb News
The opening flag ceremony was performed by six (6) members of Fairhaven Boy Scout Troop 52. It was followed by the singing of the National Anthem by 13-year-old Jordan Young of Fairhaven. As Jordan began singing the veterans were brought to attention by veteran Pete Wilde and they all joined with her in singing. It was a very moving moment for all in attendance.
With the aid of the Boy Scouts in attendance and some young children, Aubrie Promfret, Liam Miranda and Reilly Young, each veteran was named and went up to receive their handmade quilt.
Each quilt was different in size and design. It was left up to the individual guild member as to what they would make. The only stipulation was that it be in red, white and blue. They were also different sizes. Some were made as a lap quilt, others a bit smaller to be hung on a wall and some large enough to be used to wrap up in on a cold evening.
Yes they are made to be used.
Donna also briefly explained the sewing technique on each might be different. There are three layers involved in making a quilt and they are put together either with a long-arm machine, a domestic sewing machine or by hand.

Bernadette Gouguen shares a laugh with the recipient of the quilt she made, US Navy veteran Michael Jennings, during the quilt giveaway at the VFW Poirier Post in New Bedford on 11/3/19, when members of the Shining Tides Quilt Guild gave 60 quilts to 60 veterans to say “thank-you.” Photo by Glenn S. Silva for the Neighb News.
After a closing ceremony by the Boy Scouts the program was concluded and the veterans, along with the families and friends, about 150 people, enjoyed refreshments and camaraderie. •••
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