Vote on 5/18 Mattapoisett
As a boy in the 1930’s and through the 40’s I was a Sconticut Necker.
Then I went to college, volunteered and served in the US Army, went to Korea, returned home to continue my education and marry a Mattapoisett girl I met at Fairhaven High School, class of 49.
For 65 years Mattapoisett has been my home.
I have been a reader of the FNN (Fairhaven Neigbhorhood News) once I knew it was circulating in Mattapoisett. I have honored its plea to support local journalism, a field I am extremely familiar with.
I am telling Beth David in this letter she is one, if not the only true journalist left in Southeastern Massachusetts, who has the guts to tell it all — like it is.
Good luck Fairhaven voters, in your recall efforts.
Now I would ask your readers if you would vote for any candidate for any public office that, as an adult, spent the majority of his or her voting life on the west coast, and registered to vote in Mattapoisett only last June, never attended a Town Meeting and whose supporters need two political signs on their property to show their support.
Mattapoisett’s town election will occur on May 18th.
In the Selectmen’s race, there will be a candidate who may fit the job description but doesn’t fit the bill. The ads boldly promoting “I’m passionate about helping all Mattapoisett residents…” is political speak, for no one can help all if they are working in the best interest of any town.
This appeal is for all Mattapoisett FNN readers, and those in other towns to encourage their relatives, friends, and acquaintances who vote in Mattapoisett to elect the candidate who is a life long resident and voter with service to the town as a volunteer on the Community Preservation Committee. Getting out the vote by absentee ballot or going to the polls is a must for those ages 18–100+, if Mattapoisett is, indeed, to “GO FORWARD.”
Brad Hathaway, Mattapoisett
Mr. Hathaway worked at the New Bedford Standard-Times for more than 37 years, from reporter, to city editor, to other managerial positions.
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