The Ford Middle School Chorus leads the crowd in song at the annual Acushnet lighting and sing-along on Sunday, 12/8/19, at Fire Station 1. Photo by Beth David.
Acushnet Lighting & Singalong
The Acushnet Firefighters Association invites the public to our annual lighting of the Christmas display and holiday sing-along on Sun., 12/1, at 6 p.m. at Fire Station #1, 24 Russell Street (Parting Ways).
Those attending can expect hot chocolate, cookies, music by the Ford Middle School Chorus, and an appearance from Santa who will once again arrive on a fire truck.
Please bring a new unwrapped toy so that we can stuff our emergency vehicles for those in need! Please no stuffed animals
Holiday Sale
The Friends of the Acushnet Public Library will be holding a special Holiday Sale on Sat., 11/30, from 10am to noon. Large decorated holiday wreaths will be available ($30), as will our popular Blind Date Books ($10). Beautifully wrapped, these high-quality pre-loved hard-cover books include a note hinting at the story inside, which make fun and unique gifts. Plus come early to shop our special pop-up jewelry sale. We’ll have a large selection of new and gently-worn jewelry in a range of styles for all the jewelry lovers on your holiday gift list, with prices starting at $1. Shop early for best selection (limited supply of jewelry gift bags and boxes will be available). All proceeds from this fundraiser benefit the library. Cash only please. The Acushnet Public Library is located at 232 Middle Road.

Acushnet Lions Club members, volunteers, and motorcycle riders pose for the local free sheet after delivering a truckload of food and toys to the Shepherd’s Pantry during the Acushnet Lions Club annual food/toy drive and motorcycle run on 1/26/23. Photo by Beth David.
Bike Run/Toy Drive
The Acushnet Lions Club and the Rivers’ End Cafe, proudly sponsor their annual Toy & Food Drive/ Motorcycle Run on Sun., 12/1. $10 or unwrapped toy donation (no stuffed animals please), or non-perishable food donation gets you in. Now accepting food and toys at the Rivers End Cafe, 7 Tarkiln Hill Road, Acushnet.
Starts at 10 a.m. at the River’s End Cafe. Kickstands up at noon for ride to the Shepherd’s Pantry in Acushnet. Then back to the Rivers End.
See pages 5, 6, & 7 for more events.
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