By Beth David, Editor
Well, that didn’t last long.
Despite all the talk about how civil and courteous the candidates have been to each other throughout the campaign, the good sentiments clearly did not spill over to at least one pol who backed losing candidates. Sitting Select Board member Keith Silvia publicly and clearly refused to shake Mr. Murphy’s hand as he went around the table after his remarks on Monday night. Mr. Murphy won a seat on that board. Mr. Silvia won his seat on the SB by beating Mr. Murphy two years ago.
That’s when all the BS really got out of hand, the regular shitshow (oh NO…bad word) and nastiness got in full swing, with Mr. Silvia starting out his tenure by snubbing Bob Espindola for the chair, putting in his buddy….the guy who finally got recalled because his behavior was so utterly outrageous.
Yeah, we still have some of that stuck to our shoes.
Maybe next year it’ll be gone.
See page 3 for a screen shot from the video. I admit, I was in the room and I missed it. I was using pen and pad, but as you can see by the pic, I was just simply not looking in the right direction. I mean, really, who would’ve thought there would be anything extraordinary to see? Keith shook everyone else’s hands. Honestly, if I HAD seen it, I would’ve said something to him afterwards. But it wasn’t until someone brought it to my attention later in the evening that I realized what he did.
Hmmm…on second thought, maybe it was better that I didn’t see it.
Maybe next year.
Meanwhile, we have an upset!
Heidi Hacking walloped longtime Board of Health member Peter DeTerra.
The Fairhaven Select Board has its first non-white person on the board with the election of Leon Correy. Well, at least we think so. We can’t be 100% sure, but no one has been able to find another African-American or Cape Verdean member of the board. If you know of any, please let us know
We did have a Cape Verdean member of the School Committee a ways back. Ann Pinto served eight years, from 1993 to 2001 (she resigned with one year left). She is no longer with us, she died in 2008. According to her obituary, she was the first minority to serve on the School Committee. I have to say, I think she was also the last. Again, correct me if I missed someone.
So congratlations to Mr. Correy for making history. I do believe you are in good company with Mrs. Pinto.
See page 12 for all the election stuff.
Until next week then..see ya
Click here to download the entire 4/7/22 issue: 04-07-22 Election
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