By Beth David, Editor
Brrr…it’s cold out there.
And we have might get another little dusting of snow this week, too. But, just a dusting.
C’mon, winter give these kids a snow day and some snow figure snow, will ya?
We’ve got all kinds of fun stuff for you this week.
The Select Board race in Fairhaven might actually be a race (see page 3 & page 8). We won’t know for sure until the candidates actually return the papers. But, there’s hope!
Speaking of which…two opportunities to learn how to run for office locally. See page 7 and page 16 to learn about two different events aimed at getting people to run for office.
There was a fire in Fairhaven (see page 14). The cause was an overloaded extension cord. Oh…I know that temptation living in a converted camp. Be careful, people, especially if one of the plugs goes to a high draw thing like a space heater.
But, the coolest story in this week’s issue is about our own Nellie Zygiel, who actually got a kidney from a live donor. I mean, how cool is that? See page 12 for the story on how it happened. You all may remember that we did a story on Nellie, and we also ran a couple of listings for her fund-raisers.
Oh, I don’t have time for the inauguration and the first couple of days in office. This guy thinks he can rewrite the Constitution, ignore a Constituional Amendment, or change it, with the stroke of a pen. Birthright Citizenship is a right. But with this corrupt Supreme Court in his pocket, who knows, right?
I still find it hard to believe that I know people who support this baffoon. We are in for rocky 4 years.
God help America!
Until next week then, see ya
Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to the Heroes!
Click here to download the 1/23/25 issue: 01-23-25 JacksCove
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