Natalie Mello has announced that she is running for Fairhaven Select Board in the 4/7/25 town election. Submitted photo.
Press Release
My name is Natalie A. Mello. I am running for a seat on the Fairhaven Select Board, and I ask you to support my candidacy for this important position. Before moving to Fairhaven full-time in 2015, my husband and I lived in Paxton, Massachusetts. Prior to settling in our current home, we owned property in Poverty Point. During the eight years that we owned that property, we got to know Fairhaven. It became clear that Fairhaven was where we wanted to put down our roots.
We have not regretted our decision to move permanently to Fairhaven. We have found this town to be a community that cares about its historic character. This is why I chose to serve on the board of the Fairhaven Historical Society from 2018 until 2023. I currently serve as the vice-chair and clerk on the Historical Commission, and through that the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) and as a Member of Town Meeting.
In the wider community, I have been involved in the Rotch-Jones-Duff House & Garden Museum in New Bedford. I am also a member of the Garden Club of Buzzards Bay and the Unitarian Universalist Church here in town.
Giving back has always been important to me, and I have tried to bring my talents to organizations that would benefit from them. While in Paxton, I was elected to the Wachusett Regional School District Committee, I served on the Board of Directors for Abby’s House (a non-profit shelter for women and children), and on Paxton’s Historic District Study Committee.
Now retired, my career was in higher education. At Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) I served as Director of Global Operations. My focus was engineering education and study abroad and bringing those two disparate things together. As a recognized leader in the field of education abroad, I made significant contributions to the development of risk management best practices. My last 10 years were spent at The Forum on Education Abroad — a professional organization that serves as the Standards Development Organization (SDO) for the field of study abroad.
Finding the next town administrator will be my priority when elected. In my career, I participated in several searches for high-level positions at WPI, The Forum and while serving on the Wachusett School Committee. I know how professional search processes should run and what qualities to look for in a strong leader. If done successfully, it will result in a stellar outcome.
I believe in civil discourse, and we must bring that back to politics — locally and beyond.
People may not agree, but there are always ways to communicate respectfully while finding a solution that benefits the larger community.
I recognize the challenges facing Fairhaven. My knowledge, experience and temperament can benefit our town. I ask for your vote for Select Board, so I can help Fairhaven continue its path to optimism and opportunity.
Please follow me on Facebook @ “Natalie A. Mello for Fairhaven Select Board” to learn more about me and my platform.
Click here to download the 1/23/25 issue: 01-23-25 JacksCove
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