By Steve Bender So much can be said about the quality of materials that went into the building of Fairhaven High School. So much can be said about the hand-craftsmanship, that is of museum quality, that is throughout the main building. It would be a well founded opinion there is no high school in the… [Read More]
Letter regarding the Oxford School proposal
Reject housing at Oxford Town meeting will vote tonight (6/30) on the current proposal to develop the former Oxford School into housing for the elderly. We ask that town meeting members consider the following when casting their vote. First, the project is not an instant solution. It will likely take five years before the first… [Read More]
From the Editor
Looks like summer finally got here this week. Just in time for special town meeting (page 7). Now, I know, I know….June 30 is the Thursday before a July 4th that is on a Monday, making for the possibility of a super-long weekend for some folks. But the sale of the Oxford School building is… [Read More]
Memories of high school track meets
By Steve Bender At one time, Greater New Bedford Track and Field competition during the months of November, December, January and February was called Winter Track. The meets took place outdoors on a wooden 11 lap/mile track at the old New Bedford Voke on Hillman Street in New Bedford. No matter how cold it was,… [Read More]
From the Editor
By Beth David Editor Sometimes I wonder if Americans even know what America is supposed to be about. I think of my grandparents, so full of the promise of a place that allowed you to live according to your own hard work. We call it the Rule of Law. In practical terms, it simply means… [Read More]
From our readers
THIS WILL BE THE FINAL EDITION OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS! WE WILL NO LONGER BE PUBLISHING THIS PAPER. No, it’s not true! But, imagine how we would all feel if somewhere down the road that WAS the actual headline and Beth David, the editor and owner, did announce that her paper was shutting down. Can… [Read More]
From the editor
Aiyiyi Lucy…..say it ain’t so. List, letter, letter, list, a letter that contains a list (page 7). Geesh. You know what I say, right? Do not ignore me, do not lie to me. That’s not a whole lot for a reporter to ask. Just answer or return my calls, and answer my questions. If you… [Read More]
From our readers
Appreciate service members, respect workers I am hoping this Memorial Day we will have a great turn-out to show our love and appreciation for the service men and women who fought and died in the service of our country at the Memorial Parade. It’s only because of them we can have the freedoms we have…. [Read More]
HARC: PCB’s can become airborne during dredging process
This photo was taken on May 6, 2016, showing a barge mechanically dredging PCB sediments in New Bedford Harbor close to a residential area of Fairhaven and high school. The contractor was hired by the EPA to lift PCB contaminated sediments out of the water which can cause some of the PCBs to become airborne…. [Read More]
Growing up in North Fairhaven
Growing up in North Fairhaven in the late 50’s and early 60’s has many memories. It would be difficult to list everything that made growing up in North Fairhaven special, so how about a few notes that will jog the memory banks. Bailey’s Square…Oxford School… playing wall-ball on the Oxford School Gym wall…Livesley Park…Dean St. sledding…Riverside… [Read More]