Correy Owes Apology It appears that Mr. Correy’s time on the Select Board has been most egregious for him. In reading the various articles in the recent Fairhaven Neighborhood News, it is most troubling to learn that 1. Mr. Espindola knew nothing of the lawsuit currently underway in town. I wonder, are the other members… [Read More]
Letter_Pacheco will have thoughtful approach to policy
Pacheco: Thoughtful Approach to Policy I am writing to endorse Nicole Pacheco to the School Committee. Nicole exemplifies the qualities we should seek in our elected officials. Nicole demonstrates a thoughtful approach to policy, taking the time to research and understand the issues at hand. Her leadership qualities shine through in decisions she makes, prioritizing… [Read More]
Letter_Romano’s dedication is evident
Romano’s Dedication is Evident I am writing to enthusiastically endorse Andrew Romano for Select Board. Andrew’s dedication to our community is evident through his active involvement in various boards, community groups, and professional organizations. His drive, curiosity, and eagerness to learn make him an ideal candidate. Andrew’s commitment to asking questions and seeking diverse perspectives… [Read More]
Letter_Melanson pulls out of SB race
Melanson Pulls Out of Select Board Race Hello, my name is Cathy Melanson and I would like to take this opportunity to speak with you regarding the upcoming election and the two open positions on the select board. I am a businesswoman and have lived in Fairhaven my entire life along with my husband of… [Read More]
Letter_McKenna will be independent voice
McKenna Will Be Independent Voice I am writing to strongly endorse the candidacy of Donna McKenna for Fairhaven Select Board. In my over 30 years as a Town employee, Department Head and Police Chief, I have never seen the Town so polarized and suffering from a lack of leadership as it is today. Donna has… [Read More]
From the editor 02-29-24
By Beth David, Editor Oh, where to begin? Select Board Chairperson, Leon E. Correy III, actually said out loud and into the microphone, “Two more meetings” during one of his despicable displays of disrespect for fellow board member Bob Espindola. Such a dedicated public servant, huh? So, Mr. Correy, why don’t you do us all… [Read More]
Letter_Hacking Endorses Romano
Hacking Endorses Romano I am endorsing Andrew Romano’s candidacy for Fairhaven’s upcoming Select Board election. A talented, level-headed, young man, Andrew has many skills that the town and its residents will benefit from. A little over two years ago, I successfully ran for the Board of Health, with Andrew as my manager. He was organized,… [Read More]
Letter_America, Fight and Pray
America, Fight and Pray for it or Lose it I believe the next presidential election will be the most important in our history. The choice will be freedoms and rights that are enshrined in our constitution and bill of rights and the recognition that these are God given rights, versus the ruthless elitists’ authoritative control of… [Read More]
From the Editor 02-22-24
Well, winter finally got here, huh? Brrrr…it’s cold out there. But it’s supposed to warm up. The Fairhaven Select Board heard from more departments at their last meeting. See page 4 for what’s happening. The Vicki Oliveira wrongful termination lawsuit is proceeding. See page 3 for a summary of what’s happening there. The high school… [Read More]
Letter_Silly Season is upon us
Silly Season is Upon Us Welcome to Silly Season! As someone who has run for office in the past, I know it’s not easy to “put yourself” out there; so I commend anyone who puts their name on the ballot. There are a few rules to putting yourself on the ballot and I want to… [Read More]
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