By Beth David, Editor The voters of Acushnet returned all incumbents to their seats, and elected a new member to the School Committee in the annual town election on Saturday, 5/13. Acushnet had two contested races: Selectboard, with incumbent David Wojnar receiving 568 votes,* and challenger Eric Chew receiving 307. The School Committee had three… [Read More]
Acushnet TM faces 39 articles
By Beth David, Editor Acushnet Town Meeting will be asked to approve an operating budget of $34,672,150, which is about 4% higher than last year, and includes a school department budget of $18,545,091, an increase of 3.28% from last year. That number includes tuition to the various high schools that Acushnet students get to choose… [Read More]
Happy Birthday, Sunny!
By Beth David, Editor Acushnet’s comfort dog, Sunny, celebrated her first birthday, complete with gifts, treats, songs, and lots of photos of her life, and, of course, in great company: The entire Acushnet Elementary School. Students from Old Colony Regional Voc-Tech High School designed and built a doghouse for Sunny, and presented it to her… [Read More]
Acushnet is a Purple Heart Town
By Beth David, Editor The town of Acushnet held a ceremony on Sunday, 5/7/23, commemorating its designation as a Purple Heart Town. About 50 people gathered at Acushnet’s Veterans Memorial to hear some remarks and to honor veterans. Selectboard chairperson David Wojnar read a proclamation by the Selectboard declaring “great admiration and the utmost gratitude”… [Read More]
Acushnet candidates face off
By Beth David, Editor Candidates running for office in Acushnet faced each other and answered questions submitted by the public at a candidates night sponsored by the Acushnet Lions Club at the Acushnet Council on Aging/Senior Center on 5/3/23. Local radio personality Phil Paleologos moderated the event that was attended by about 50 members of… [Read More]
Purple Heart Town Dedication
The American Legion Post 265 will hold a ceremony making Acushnet a Purple Heart Town on Sun., 5/7, at 10 a.m. at the Veterans Memorial Park, at Pope Park, 96 Pope St. (corner Main), weather permitting. Coffee and pastry to follow at the American Legion, 71 Hope St., Acushnet. ••• Click here to download the… [Read More]
Candidate Statements_Acushnet Selectboard
Eric Chew It is with great enthusiasm that I ask for your vote on Saturday, May 13th for the opportunity to serve on Acushnet’s Selectboard. It has been my privilege to work on behalf of the residents of our great town as a member of the Finance Committee and for the past two years and… [Read More]
Acushnet gives citation/sendoff to Library Director
By Beth David, Editor The Acushnet Selectboard recognized outgoing Library Director Dina St. Pierre at its meeting on 4/24/23. She is moving on after eight years in the position, to go to Dartmouth. Her last day is 5/13. SB Chairperson David Wojnar said she made a “huge impact” on the community. He said she made the… [Read More]
Acushnet News and Events
Library Ultimate Road Trip The Acushnet Public Library is pleased to announce they will be participating in the SAILS Ultimate Road Trip from Tuesday, April 18 through Saturday, April 29. Patrons who visit during the event period can check-in at the Circulation Desk for a copy of the Ultimate Road Trip map and receive a… [Read More]
Acushnet continues PJK permit hearing
By Beth David, Editor In a joint meeting of the Acushnet Selectboard and Soil Board 4/11/23, the town met with a representative of PJ Keating to choose a peer review consultant to review the Soil Removal Permit Application filed by PJK. The hearing on 4/11 was a continuation of a public hearing that last opened… [Read More]
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