By Mary Macedo, Neighb News Correspondent
At its meeting on Monday 1/25 the Fairhaven Board of Public Works discussed articles for Town Meeting and Special Town meeting such as roadwork for fiscal year 2022, and roadwork for fiscal year 2021. The board also discussed town beach regulations and the Sewer Superintendent Job description in anticipation of the retirement of Linda Schick this summer.
The board started the meeting with approving articles for the upcoming Town Meeting, including roadwork for fiscal year 2022.
Board member Robert “Hoppy” Hobson asked BPW Superintendent Vinnie Furtado to explain what happened with the 2021 roadwork and if they should even pick 2022 roadwork if the 2021 roads haven’t even been approved yet.
Mr. Furtado said that the 2021 roadwork discussion was on the agenda for later in that meeting under the Special Town Meeting articles.
He said that all the money for the 2021 roadwork was still there waiting to be used and all the roads were approved. The reason the article did not go through originally was because of a typo in the warrant.
Mr. Furtado said the roads that were approved for 2021 roadwork were Chase Road, Bellevue Street, Massasoit Street, and Fisherman Road. Mr. Furtado said Chase Road was able to go through, but the other three roads were not because of a typo.
Mr. Furtado said the board will be asking for those three roads to get done for 2021 with the $375,000 that is left from the 2021 roadwork money and then the board will be asking for more roadwork from the 2022 budget.
BPW Chairperson Brian Wotton said there should be no problems and all the roads should be accepted.
“Mark my words we are going to get screwed,” Mr. Hobson said.
Mr. Furtado said that they’d better not.
“If it doesn’t get approved there will be an uproar in town,” Mr. Wotton said.
Mr. Wotton said no matter what, the three streets from the 2021 budget will get done first.
Mr. Furtado suggested that the board discuss possible streets for the 2022 budget which will hopefully be about $400,000.
Mr. Wotton said he agreed and the board should just discuss options, and then again at the next BPW meeting in two weeks. It will give town residents a chance to comment/ petition for the roads they would like to be fixed.
Mr. Furtado said that Highway Superintendent John Charbonneau suggested Littleneck Road and Pleasant Street be considered for roadwork. Mr. Furtado also suggested Eden Road because some town residents have addressed the board and explained the drainage issues they have on that street.
Mr. Hobson agreed that Eden Road needs to be looked, and said he got two calls this about it.
Town resident David Rebello of Hathaway Street in Fairhaven attended the BPW meeting to express his concerns with Cove Street which is right near Hathaway Street.
He said when there is a rainstorm the street is horrible, telling the board they would have to see it to believe it. He called the street an embarrassment to the town and to the residents who live on that street.
Mr. Rebello said he feels like it is the most neglected street in Fairhaven. In the springtime the town puts more dirt on the road and in the summer it is like a dust bowl and residents cannot open their windows. In the winter time it is like a mud pit.
Mr. Rebello explained that he is not exaggerating, and he is sorry that the town allowed him to build a home there. He said everyone in Fairhaven gets charged the same tax whether they live in the perfect areas of Fairhaven or on a terrible road like Cove Street.
Mr. Rebello told the board he has started a petition to fix the street and it has about 15 signatures.
Mr. Wotton said to pave and do drainage from Cove Street to Beachwood Street would be $93,600. He said it is not that Cove Street has been neglected, it is that it takes time to pave every dirt road in Fairhaven and it is very expensive.
He noted that the BPW only gets $350,000 to $400,000 a year for roadwork.
Mr. Wotton said now that the street is on the BPW’s radar they can get someone out immediately to fix some problems and fill some holes until the road can be fixed permanently.
Board member Cameron Durant also suggested paving Fir Street in front of the treatment plant. Mr. Furtado said he would get the price to discuss at the next meeting.
Mr. Wotton said if they do roadwork for Littleneck Road, Pleasant Street, Eden Road, and Cove Street they would be short about $59,000.
Mr. Furtado said they could use Chapter 90 money to cover the rest.
Mr. Wotton said at the next meeting they will be able to hear from residents and then decide on the roads for 2022.
In another matter the board briefly discussed hiring for the Sewer Department Superintendent position. Mr. Furtado said that the current Superintendent Linda Schick will be retiring this June.
Mr. Furtado said the board needs to read through the job description and see if they want anything to be changed before they post the position.
Mr. Hobson suggested they advertise the position immediately.
Mr. Durant suggested putting a pay scale with steps.
The board agreed that the job description was satisfactory. Mr. Wotton told Mr. Furtado to update it and post it because the sooner the position is out the better.
Mr. Wotton said the new superintendent will have some huge shoes to fill.
In another matter Mr. Furtado suggested that they put Town Beach discussions on an upcoming meeting agenda that way they can start selling beach passes early.
Mr. Wotton said heard from a few residents that they would like to attend and discuss town beach regulations. He suggested putting it on the agenda soon and posting it online so residents can voice their concerns.
Mr. Furtado said Administrative Assistant Becky Vento can post on the town website, but does not have access to the town Facebook page, and they have trouble getting things posted to the Facebook page.
Mr. Wotton said that whoever is running the Facebook page needs to do their job or give others access to do it for them. He said he has no problem calling someone out if they are not doing their job.
Mr. Wotton said whoever runs the Facebook page needs to start doing their job or he is going to call them out by name. Mr. Wotton told Mr. Furtado to find out the name of the person who runs the page.
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