By Beth David, Editor
Students at the Leroy L. Wood Elementary School continue to wonder about the world around them. Then they are taking those wonderings to learn about the things that made them wonder. It is an “inquiry based approach to learning,” that gets students engaged and excited about learning, according to principal Amy Hartley-Matteson.
The Neighb News will highlight some of those projects on an ongoing basis throughout the year.
This week we learn from Danika Reynolds on how electricity is delivered to our homes; Carlie Francis what would happen if we had no moon; Taylor Pacheco and Harper Mitchell how reindeer fly.
Audrina Raposo, Violet LaFountain
Do dolphins have hair?
Yes, all mammals have hair at some point in their lives and a dolphin is no exception. A baby dolphin is born with whiskers on its upper jaw, which fall out soon after birth.
Landon Enos, Jackson Hooley, Bryce Farland
How do polar bears live in the cold?
Polar bears live in one of the coldest environments. These powerful predators typically prey on seals. Females den by digging in to deep snow. Their size is 7.25 to 8 feet tall 3 to 5 in. They live to 25 to 30 years in the cold. Polar bears belong to the same genes as black and brown bears have. Polar bears can weigh between 150 to 700 kilos, that is the same as 330 to 1500 pounds.
Audrina Raposo, Taylor Pacheco, Violet LaFountain, Harper Mitchell
Why does it snow?
Snow is formed when temperatures are low and there is moisture in the atmosphere in the form of tiny ice crystals. When these tiny ice crystals collide they stick together in clouds to become snowflakes. If enough ice crystals stick together, they’ll become heavy enough to fall to the ground.
Audrina Raposo, Violet LaFountain
How are dogs made?
Dogs were just a loose category of wolves until around 15,000 years ago, when our ancestors tamed and began to manage them. We fed them, bred them, and spread them from continent to continent. While other wolves’ descendants died out, dogs grew into a new species. We invented the dog. Dogs are cool.
Taylor Pacheco, Elodie Cook, Skylar Bousquet, Alexis Braley
How do flowers bloom?
Flowers bloom to attract insects. Which then carry pollen from 1 flower to another and fertilize the growing fruits and seeds. In other words, its plant reproductive process. “Ove Nilsson is Professor of Plant Reproduction Biology at the UME Plant Science Center…..But his discoveries can be applied to all plants.” All flowers require sunlight, water and nutrients from the soil to grow; however, which flowers will grow best depends on your environment as well as your gardening skill. Flowering plants may live for just a few weeks or several years to brighten your home or table. Flowers know when to bloom because of a gene named Apetala 1.
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