By Beth David, Editor
You know April showers bring May flowers, but in Fairhaven, it seems that May rains have sprouted another kind of colorful crop: Kindness Rocks.
This year’s theme at Wood School has been “Empahty — Be The Light!”
The school practiced empathy by participating in the Kindness Rocks project. Each child in the elementary school designed and painted a rock that was carefully placed in special spots all around town on 5/31.
Already, Neighb News readers have stumbled on the rocks, which brought a smile to their faces.
“It is our hope to spread light throughout Fairhaven and brighten the day of others,” reads the flyer sent to the Neighb News by Principal Amy Hartley-Matteson.
The colorful rocks have upbeat messages on them, such as “Dare to Dream,” “Be Happy,” or “Be Kind.”

Wood School students hold up the Kindness Rocks they made before heading out around town to spread the kindness. Photo courtesy of Amy Hartley-Matteson.
The goals are to inspire others and to recruit everyone who finds the rocks to “join the pursuit of inspiring others through random acts of kindness.”
One parent already said that she heard a story of one little boy who learned to spread the cheer.
He wanted to take the rock he found on the bike path. When his mother told him that taking it would deprive other people of enjoying it, he decided to go home, make his own rock and then swap it out with another one.
Just the kind of story Ms. Hartley-Matteson was hoping for.
To learn more about the Kindness Rocks Project visit
And don’t be shy about painting your own rocks and adding to the crop.
Click here to download the entire 6/8/17 issue: 06-08-17 Graduation