Submitted by the Fairhaven Commission on Disability
Winter can make travel difficult and challenging as we battle snow and ice. This can be even more true for those of us with a disability affecting mobility, vision, safety awareness, or balance.
In addition to being dangerous, icy or snowy sidewalks are inaccessible for anyone using a wheelchair, a walker, a stroller, or any other mobility device. For the blind, these conditions make it impossible to use a cane to navigate public areas safely. People who have low vision can’t safely use a sidewalk if snow or ice is covering the bright yellow curb cuts or sidewalk edges. Without clear sidewalks, those with cognitive or neurologically-based disabilities may also have difficulty navigating or may not understand the additional danger present.
The Fairhaven Commission On Disability is asking each of you, our neighbors, to help make the streets and sidewalks safer and accessible to all by eliminating these barriers.
Here’s how you can help:
1. Clear the sidewalks surrounding your property. (Per Fairhaven town by-law)
2. If there is a bus stop near your property, clear the snow and ice at and all around the bus stop. Ensure at least three feet of access on either side of the bus stop.
3. In addition, clear snow and ice all the way to the curb (including curb cut-outs). On two separate occasions, two residents told us how scary and dangerous waiting for a bus after snow can be; they were forced to wait in the street in their wheelchairs because the bus stop was not cleared to the curb!
4. If you live in a condo or apartment complex, bring this issue to the attention of the owners or property managers and request their co-operation and commitment. Remind them of their responsibility to clear sideways and encourage them to clear bus stops as well.
Thank you for your support of this project. With all of us working together we can create safe environments and equal access. After all, no one should have to possibly risk their life waiting for public transportation or accessing public sidewalks.
Want to let us know about a bus stop you cleared? Want to make us aware of other needs or have suggestions as to what your Commission on Disability could consider addressing? Contact us at: or on our Facebook or Instagram pages, or join us at a meeting (check the town web site for dates). We would love to hear from you.
Click here to download the 1/23/25 issue: 01-23-25 JacksCove
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