We did not publish for two weeks for our summer break. Here’s a little bit of what happened while we were gone.
Homecoming Day Fair
The rain held off for Fairhaven’s 43rd annual Homecoming Day Fair on Saturday, 6/29/19 in the center of town. A bit of a sprinkle later in the afternoon sent some people inside, but most people stayed out and enjoyed the 175+ booths of crafts, vendors, food and games for kids.
Town Hall flag pole re-installed
The Fairhaven Fire Department uses Ladder 1 to help the town hall custodial staff re-install the flag pole after it was repainted on Thursday, 6/27/19. Paul Correia and Chauncey Burr operate the ladder truck, while Kevin Fournier and Frank Fostin secure the pole.
July 4 parade and Fort Phoenix ceremony
Fairhaven held its annual parade and car cruise, raising of the big flag at Fairhaven High School, and ceremony at Fort Phoenix, including the firing of the fort’s five cannons on July 4. Photos by Glenn C. Silva. To see more of his photos from this event visit https://photos.app.goo.gl/ALeqYk15DdXGVcfB8. To see more of his other photos, find him on Instagram: @asttephoto
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Click here to download the entire 7/18/19 issue: 07-18-19 Concert