By Beth David, Editor
Fairhaven veterans agent Brad Fish and a group of volunteers converged upon Riverside Cemetery on Saturday, to place wreaths at the entrance of each section to honor the veterans buried there.
Frank Fostin told the group that he go the idea from a relative in Florida who, he said, travels around the state working on a variety of events to honor veterans. Mr. Fostin wanted the town to join in with Wreaths Across America, which will be laing wreaths on 12/14/19, but it was too late to make the official list this year.
So Mr. Fish and Mr. Fostin decided the town could hold its own little event.
“I have a partner now,” said Mr. Fostin, referring to Mr. Fish.
He also noted the help of Jane Bettencourt, who works in the Veterans office, and her husband Greg.
Mr. Fish thanked a long list of donors, including many town departments and organizations.
Sisters Sophie and Claire were there with their grandmother Cheryl Brownell, to help.
“Because veterans have done so much for our country and deserve to be recognized in as many ways as possible,” said Claire.
“I think they should be treated well, even those who are not with us,” said Sophie. “They should still be recognized and remembered for what they did and what they have done for our country.”
The event will be available on
To learn more about Wreaths Across America, visit
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