Submitted by Rick Trapilo, Fairhaven Planning Board member
Dear Selectboard: I sent the following email to the honorable Mayor Mitchell 2+ weeks ago. The letter references a severe problem, a model solution and funding to start a design concept. I have no response to date.
I request my correspondence be recorded in your next meeting. Would you please let me know when our Fairhaven water quality committee will have its first meeting? I am the nominee to attend from our Planning Board
Thank you
Rick Trapilo, Planning Board
Dear Mayor Mitchell,
As the Mayor who has revitalized the City of New Bedford during your distinguished tenure, I am reaching out to seek your leadership in addressing a critical environmental issue: the outflow of raw sewage into Buzzards Bay.
New Bedford is a historical gem for our South Coast community, but our antiquated sewage system poses significant risks to our environment and public health. According to city data, approximately 600 million gallons of untreated waste were discharged into the Bay in 2023 alone. This year, for the first time, the Harbor swim was canceled due to water pollution, and shellfish beds continue to be closed.
I urge you to consider a proactive approach inspired by the Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC). Their initiatives have successfully reduced nitrogen waste by over 50% and are constructing tunnels to manage stormwater overflow effectively. These strategies align with your commitment to climate resiliency and could serve as a model for New Bedford.
Additionally, I would like to draw your attention to a timely opportunity for funding. The EPA is offering 150 large community-driven grants, ranging from $10 to $20 million, specifically aimed at projects that benefit disadvantaged communities by reducing pollution. The application deadline for the Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grant is November 21. More information can be obtained at ENVIRO@SRPEDD.
I am committed to collaborating with local committees that can support this initiative and would be happy to provide any further information or assistance. Together with all the communities impacted along the South Coast , and with your leadership we can secure a healthier future for New Bedford and its surrounding communities.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.
Rick Trapilo, Fairhaven Commissioner on SRPEDD (Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District)
To learn more about SRPEDD, visit and
Anyone interested in helping Mr. Trapilo work on solutions to the discharging of sewage into the bay, may email him at
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