By Beth David, Editor
The Acushnet Selectboard honored the town’s long time Town Moderator, Bob Francis, who served for more than 30 years in that role, by giving his wife Cindy a plaque and miniature gavel during Town Meeting on 5/10/21. Current Town Moderator Roger Cabral also used for the first time a podium created in memory of Mr. Francis, and built by students from Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School. Mr. Francis died on March 4, 2019, after a long battle with lung cancer. He served as Town Moderator from 1981 to 2018.
Mr. Cabral told the public that Mr. Francis was an inspiration to him and faced many difficult decisions.
“There have been some really tense times in this room over the years,” said Mr. Cabral. “He was always an example of grace under pressure and was exactly what a town moderator should be.”
He said the podium would serve the town for 100 years remembering Mr. Francis.
He handed the plaque and gavel to Sherry Medeiros, who handed it to her mother.
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