Town Hall employees were temporarily replaced by a motley crew that included Fred and Wilma Flintstone, Betty Rubble, and some rather unsavory spiders and other beasts. Fortunately, a Young Marine also showed up.
The Fairhaven Town Clerk’s office disappeared this week, being temporarily replaced by Bedrock, made famous by Fred & Wilma Flintstone and their neighbors and good friends Barney & Betty Rubble. The famous families even took over for the town clerk and her assistant on Halloween Day.

Betty Rubble and Wilma Flintstone take over for town clerk Eileen Lowney and her assistant Carolyn Hurley at Fairhaven Town Hall on Halloween Day, 10/31/17. Photos by Beth David.

L-R: Wilma and Fred Flintsone, and Betty Rubble help out in the Fairhaven Town Clerk’s office on Halloween Day, 10/31/7. Photo by Beth David.
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