Loud horns and even sirens filled the air as children and their adults had the chance to climb on a variety of big trucks, emergency vehicles and other town work vehicles at the first Touch-A-Truck event held by the North Fairhaven Improvement Association at Lech Auto Body at Livesey Park on Sunday, 8/18/24.
The free event allowed people to climb on a dump truck, bucket loader, police cruiser, all-terrain vehicle, and more. They had the chance to check out every aspect of the vehicle and hit the horns on all of them.
The NFIA sold food at the concession stand, and DJ Johnny Angel spun out some old tunes while some classic cars were also on display (for looking, not touching). The Animal Control Officer set up a little petting zoo with gerbils and bunny rabbits.
Hundreds of people enjoyed the day, and the NFIA hopes to make it an annual event.
To learn more about the NFIA, or to join/volunteer for their next event, visit northfairhaven improvementassoc.weebly.com or email northfairhaven improvement267@gmail. com or find them on Facebook.
They meet at 267 Adams Street at Benoit Square on the third Thursday of each month.
Click here to download the 08-22-24 issue: 08-22-24 TouchATruck
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