By Beth David, Editor
Who says spring cleaning is only for houses?
The Fairhaven Bell Committee did some spring cleaning this week on the Paul Revere bell that used to hang in the Oxford School Building (see Neighb News 10/15/15 issue).
The initial cleaning was done to remove all the bird droppings from 113 years of….well, bird droppings.
According to FBC chairperson Doug Brady, the yellow paint spills will remain until an historical artifact restorer can clean it professionally. The green patina will also be restored in that process.
The commitee members used soft soap and sponges, as advised, to be sure not to damage the bell. The committee decided to do the initial cleaning after being granted permission by the Selectboard to include the bell in the Memorial Day parade and to display it at Homecoming and other events.
“The cleaning is two-fold,” wrote Mr. Brady in an email. “So that we can get it out into the public (with some reasonable cleanliness) and to raise funds through donations and to continue the restoration and cleaning with an artifact professional.”
He said they will also seek historical preservation funds at some point as they continue to find a location for the bell to be displayed.
“In the meantime, the Revere bell will be out for all to see,” he wrote. “The 1796 Paul Revere Bell is a national artifact, but more importantly, Fairhaven’s town treasure for its residents and future to enjoy.”
Click here to download the entire 3/23/17 issue: 03-23-17 issDouglassTalk