By Mary Macedo, Neighb News Correspondent

Andrew Schwarzmann gets a good solid hit. Mr. Schwarzmann took first place in the beginner category. Photo by Mary Macedo.
The wind and a chilly summer morning did not stop more than 30 young athletes from participating in the Fairhaven Tennis Association’s Junior Program singles tennis tournament on Saturday July 29th at Cushman Park.
With players aged five through fourteen the FTA offered competition for all levels. The tournament began at 8:30 a.m. with beginner level with kids who had just started their training. The tournament continued at 10 a.m. with the more advanced levels.
Each child was paired off and played a four-point game with each opponent. After each child played one another, the winners competed in one final match.

Samara Kazan keeps her eye on the ball after she sends it back with force. Photo by Mary Macedo.
Each level had a large amount of young competitors trying to get to the final match.
The winner of the entry level “orange ball” was Andrew Schwarzmann; runner up was Braylen Turner.
The “green dot” is a more advanced tournament, which had a lot of competitors as well. For the “green dot” level Kole Pinto was the winner with Adin Munroe coming in as the runner up.
In the more advanced “yellow ball” level Angus Bonoan was the winner with Ian Stakepole as the runner up. Each tournament had more than 10 players competing for the top spot, until a final two played each other for the winning spot.

Johnn Kazan connects with the ball. Photo by Mary Macedo.

Katherine St. Amand keeps her eye on the ball as she returns it. Photo by Mary Macedo.
FTA Vice President Ken Pottel said that the association has five great instructors that help build the children’s tennis skills.
He said the tournaments are free and that the association holds many fundraisers to help raise scholarship money to award to some of their young athletes.
For more information on the FTA visit
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