Merrimack Valley Credit Union (MVCU) and Bridgewater Credit Union (BCU), a division of Merrimack Valley Credit Union, are hosting shoe drives at their local branches to collect donations for Lazarus House Ministries Inc. in Lawrence and GiftsToGive in Acushnet. The organization will also donate $5 to the nonprofits for every pair of gently used shoes collected, up to $10,000.
Shoes donated at BCU branches in Bridgewater, Fairhaven, Plymouth and Quincy will benefit GiftsToGive, an organization that relies on the help of thousands of local kids to transform donated clothes, toys and books into thousands of individual gift packages. Hundreds of local agencies and caregivers can request these gift packages for local homeless and at-risk children. Donated kids’ shoes will be used for gift packages, while adult shoes will be available in the organization’s thrift store, which helps offset its operating costs.
Branches will welcome gently used shoes, including sneakers, sandals, boots and dress shoes for men, women and children, through Tuesday, April 30. MVCU and BCU ask that community members group pairs of shoes together when preparing their donations, so pairs don’t get separated. This can be done by tying the two shoe laces together, tying string around the pair, or putting pairs in bags. Donation receipts will be available upon request at all branch locations.
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