By Beth David, Editor
The Fairhaven Select Board held a marathon meeting on Tuesday, 6/20/23, including a public hearing to place an upweller system near the dock at Hoppy’s Landing.
Dale Leavitt of Bluestream Shellfish told the board that the company was trying to upgrade their oyster farm, which is located in the waters off West Island. He said they wanted to increase the amount of oysters they grow and it made more economic sense to start with very small oysters. The one or two millimeter oysters require special equipment to protect them and keep adequate water flow on them.
The proposal is for two upweller systems, 20×24 feet each, with a small solar array on each.
The original plan had been to put the systems in Round Cove, south of Bella Vista Island, but opposition from the neighbors was very strong.
Mr. Leavitt said he met with neighbors (see FNN 6/1/23) and he decided to move the project to Hoppy’s Landing, between the dock and the causeway.
He said the location is temporary. The plan is to find a more permanent spot. The upweller is seasonal, and will be removed in November or December.
SB member Stasia Powers asked about challenges for boaters pulling up to the dock.
Harbormaster Timothy Cox said that his upweller had been close to the same spot and was never a problem. The Bluestream upwellers will be farther away from the dock.
Ms. Powers said she wanted to highlight how the oyster farm helps to reduce nitrogen in Buzzards Bay, “which is hard to do.”
She said organizations like Bluestream really help.
“We’re also making money,” said Mr. Leavitt.
“I love the fact that those things can work together,” said Ms. Powers.
Board members expressed concern about safety issues, mostly centered around the kids who jump off the causeway.
Mr. Leavitt said they discussed some modifications to the design, including a fence to keep the divers off, and some kind of bumper guard in case boats get too close.
“Kids are not supposed to jump off the causeway, so…” said Mr. Cox.
Most people in the room laughed.
Robert “Hoppy” Hobson was the first to speak against the project, saying he was opposed to where it was going. He said Bluestream has 30 acres in Fairhaven and 40 acres in Mattapoisett to put an upweller. Mr. Hobson said the project would be too close to the causeway, and they have electric panels.
“Someone’s going to get electrocuted,” said Mr. Hobson. “They’re not a pretty thing to look at.”
Mr. Hobson used to own Hoppy’s Landing and has been vocal about businesses using it, especially the marina across the street using it for overflow parking.
Mr. Hobson said that Bluestream is already utilizing Hoppy’s Landing for its business.
“The town of Fairhaven did not buy Hoppy’s Landing for private businesses to take it over,” said Mr. Hobson.
Robert Sullivan, who lives near the original site proposed, said he had 150 signatures of West Island residents against the upweller going in Round Cove. He said he did not believe the new location would really be temporary, as the company stated. He also said if it does not work out at Hoppy’s Landing, he wants to make sure it never goes to Round Cove.
“It really isn’t a good looking thing,” said Mr. Sullivan, adding it has buoys and “all kinds of ropes” on it.
He said the board needs to put some conditions on it, including underwater conditions, such as keeping it clean.
“We’re all paying some serious taxes on West Island,” said Mr. Sullivan, adding the project is a commercial operation. “This is not New Bedford Harbor.”
Mr. Hobson said that the Harbormaster upweller was tied to the dock, and the Bluestream proposal is a “big difference” from that.
Neighbors talked about how the project looks, and board members worried about safety issues.
SB member Charles Murphy said the kids are going to jump off the causeway and probably the upweller, too, and asked how safe it would be, even with a fence.
Mr. Cox answered that they would try to make it as safe as they can.
“I can’t say it will be foolproof,” said Mr. Cox.
Another concern was that the Marine Resources Committee had not approved the new location and they were not scheduled to have a meeting until September.
The SB approved a six-month trial pending approval of the MRC. Mr. Cox said he would ask the chairperson to schedule a special meeting.
The SB voted unanimously to allow the project.
Click here to download the 6/22/23 issue: 06-22-23 RoadRace
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