You are invited to join Fishing Partnership Support Services, the Division of Marine Fisheries, and other organizations for the first annual Seafood Day at the Mass. State House on Tues., 10/2, to celebrate all things seafood! Enjoy this opportunity to meet with legislators, members of your community, advocates, and learn what’s happening around the industry!
Join us on Tues., 10/2, from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. at The Grand Staircase at the Mass. State House, 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133
Free and open to the public, legislators, state agency heads, commercial fishing and seafood industry community members and organizations, consumers, etc. PLUS a delicious local seafood lunch, sea shanties, and interactive displays.
This inaugural event will be celebrating the seafood industry, local fishermen, and the diverse, sustainable bounty they provide to the Commonwealth to ensure that legislators and state officials have a deep understanding of the marine species caught and landed in Mass. coastal waters, of the economic benefit of the seafood industry to the Commonwealth, and of the fishermen who bring us this seafood.
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