Ken Levesque, Executive Director of the Veterans Association of Bristol Count, has been chosen to be the Southeastern Mass. 2024 Veteran of the year by the Veterans Transition House of New Bedford. Submitted photo by Veterans Association of Bristol County.
Press Release
For 29 years, Veterans Transition House has sought nominations from the community for the Veteran of the Year Award. This award is presented to a Southeastern Massachusetts veteran in recognition of their outstanding contribution to veterans, veterans’ issues, and the community as a whole. Veterans Transition House proudly announces the selection of Ken Levesque, of Swansea, Massachusetts, as its 29th Annual Veteran of the Year.
Sponsored by BankFive, the Veteran of the Year Reception and Dinner will take place on Thursday, November 7, 2024 at Century House. The public is invited to attend and $75 individual tickets can be purchased at www. vetshouse.org or by calling Christine Brown at 508-992-5313 extension 115. Tickets for veterans are $50.
Ken served in the U.S. Marine Corps for four years (1996-2000) as a field radio operator with deployments to Okinawa, Japan, then across Europe and the Middle East including Turkey, Egypt and Israel.
As Executive Director of the Veterans Association of Bristol County (VABC) for the past three years, Ken has demonstrated a profound commitment to serving those who have served his country, stating repeatedly “I just want to help veterans.”
The cornerstones of Kenny’s leadership style are compassion, integrity, collaboration and innova
tion to ensure that VABC goes above and beyond with its services to local veterans. Kenny has spearheaded programs including “Honoring our Sheroes”, a weekly peer-to-peer counseling group for veterans and first responders. Kenny has also introduced a health and wellness program including kayaking, cycling and coming soon a music program as well as art therapy to improve the physical and mental health of veterans.
He is also an extraordinary organizer of events that bring veterans and the community together to include a Veterans Holiday Lunch, Military Appreciation Night with the Providence Bruins, cookouts on Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day, and a Vets Welcome Kids Back to School event, among several other events throughout the year.

Service photo for Ken Levesque, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps for four years (1996-2000) as a field radio operator with deployments to Okinawa, Japan, then across Europe and the Middle East including Turkey, Egypt and Israel, and who has been chosen to be the Southeastern Mass. 2024 Veteran of the year, by the Veterans Transition House of New Bedford. USMC service photo, submitted.
One of his most notable accomplishments at VABC is his dedication to administering its Food Pantry. Serving on average 400 veterans per month, in 2024 alone the Food Pantry has provided over 35,000 units of service between food, clothing, referrals and other vital human services. Known for deflecting personal recognition, Ken prefers praise for the network of Bristol County veterans’ organizations that strive to meet the needs of veterans.
Founded in 1990, Veterans Transition House has provided more than 3,300 Southeastern Massachusetts homeless veterans with transitional and permanent housing and comprehensive supportive services.
Veterans Transition House owns seven properties across New Bedford operating at nearly 100% capacity and accommodating 85 veterans at one time. Opened in 2021, the Anthony C. and Salvatore H. Alfiero Outreach Center is staffed with licensed clinicians and outreach specialists to serve an additional 750 Southeastern Massachusetts veterans on average each year who are at risk of becoming homeless, experiencing food insecurity, and in need of human services.
Visit www.vetshouse.org to learn more or to make a tax-deductible donation. Thank you.
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