By Beth David, Editor
Pack and Troop 52 Fairhaven filled a truck with nonperishable food items for the Shepherd’s Pantry earlier this month. On 11/14, the Scouts adapted their annual “Scouting for Food” program due to the pandemic. Instead of going door to door, the Scouts made camp in the parking lot at St. Mary’s Church in Fairhaven. “We filled a truck!” wrote Pack 52 on its Facebook page. “Thank you everyone who donated food today! Fairhaven is a generous community! And thank you Troop 52 for all your hard work! Next year we’ll fill two trucks!”
“A huge thank you to our community and those who donated food! wrote Troop 52. “We were able to fill a truck with all your donations and bring it to the pantry to help others!”
To learn more about Pack 52, find them on Facebook (https:// pack52fairhaven/); for Troop 52 visit https://www.facebook. com/Troop52Fairhaven
To learn more about the Shepherd’s Pantry, visit http:// or call 508-763-9289. To donate, send check or money order to The Shepherd’s Pantry, PO Box 760, Fairhaven, MA 02719.
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