Allen Days presents Fairhaven Police Officer Marcy Haaland with a $2000 donation for the Fairhaven Police Department at the annual luncheon held by the Fairhaven Father’s Day Road Race on Sunday, 11/12. Photo by Glenn C. Silva.
Fairhaven Road Race organizers held their annual luncheon on Sunday, 11/12, to show appreciation to the volunteers, and to distribute $19,900 in donations to area groups.
The annual Father’s Day Road race gives donations from $2,000 to $300 each year, with the bulk of the donations going to Fairhaven organizations, including civic groups, government agencies, and other non-profits.
This year, the Fairhaven EMA, Fire Department and Police Department each received $2,000. The race also donated $1,000 each to Fairhaven High School scholarships, the Fairhaven Senior Center, Greater New Bedford Vocational-Technical High School scholarships, and Southcoast Hospitals Group.
The race also gave eight $500 donations and 23 $300 donations to a variety of groups including Scouts, the Improvement Associations, Lions Club and Rotary Club.
Both running groups from the two elementary schools and the middle school, The Band of Brothers and the Sole Sisters, received $300. The race also recognized 58 sponsors.

Commandant Rick Seguin receives a $500 donation for Greaetr New Bedford Marine Corps League from Allen Days at the Fairhaven Road Race annual luncheon on Sunday, 11/12. Photo by Glenn C. Silva.
Click here for sponsors/donations: 2017 RoadRace
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Click here to download the donations/sponsors of the 2017 Road Race: 2017 RoadRace 2017 RoadRace