By Beth David, Editor

New Bedford City Councilors take a selfie before the plunge. Beth David photo.
Hundreds of people showed up at Fort Phoenix Beach on New Year’s Day, most to watch, but many to plunge into the icy Atlantic for a New Year’s tradition that gets the heart pumping.
Organizers said close to 200 registered, but clearly more than that jumped in, and about 300 more were on hand to watch and take pictures of their more adventurous friends and relatives.
Although it was warm for the season, and most definitely warmer than in many past years, it was still a shock to some.
“I don’t like it,” said Nola, 10, of New Bedford, as she cuddled under a thick blanket on the beach. “Because I couldn’t feel my body.”
Her mother, cousin and aunt, however, did not have that attitude.

L-R: Workout buddies from Crossfit New Bedford, Peter Medeiros, Park Durpel [background], Gillian Sampson, Nicole Noia, Stephanie Retz, John Smith, Lisa Almeida. Beth David photo.
The plunge has traditionally been held in honor of domestic violence victims. This is the sixth year that the plunge proceeds, raised from t-shirt sales, will go to Fairhaven Dollars for Scholars.
“I always wanted to do it,” said Marlo, and her cousin Leshia Souto talked her into it this year.
Mary Anne Walker, 64, said she lost count of how many times she has plunged.
“A whole bunch of times,” she said. “I love it.”
She does it for the “thrill of it.”

Nola Grace warms up under a thick blanket after plunging into the Atlantic. Beth David photo.

L-R: Kathy Grace, Leshia Souto, Marlo Grace. Photo by Beth David.

Mary Anne Walker. Photo by Beth David.
Click here to download the entire 1/5/17 issue: 01-05-17 Plunge