Pattie Pacella has announced that she is running for Fairhaven School Committee in the 4/7/25 election. Submitted photo.
Press Release
Hello, Fairhaven!
My name is Pattie Pacella and I kindly ask for your vote on Monday, April 7, 2025, for me for the School Committee! I grew up in Fairhaven and attended Fairhaven public schools and am very proud to have been a 1987 graduate!
I am a Mom of a very special young girl, Grace, who is an “out of district” student at this time, as Grace has many special abilities (don’t we all?!) and has spent most of her school years either at East Fairhaven in the SPED program when she was younger or with SMEC (Southeastern Mass Educational Collaborative), which is an out of district program in a sub-separate classroom.
I am very familiar with how Fairhaven works, as I was employed by the Town for a little less than ten years. I started in the Planning Department, then worked in Assessor’s, and ended my career there in the Building Department! I am currently on the Finance Committee, which has been a great experience, especially the passionate discussions; let’s face it everyone cares for our Town, and sometimes, it’s just putting that passion in constructively!
I am choosing to run for School Committee because it will allow me to Learn, Collaborate, and be a Resource to parents. I think that I can relate to the parent who may just be at the start of navigating their system for their child who may need additional services to the parent who just wants an ear to hear them.
I believe there should be more transparency among the SC to the Town residents without the negative connotations, from both sides!
When I ask residents and/or parents what concerns they may have with the School Committee, the responses are around the football field and the shed. Although I can understand the conversations behind both of these subjects; I think it’s also important to talk about other things happening within our School Department. Teachers and other different departments within the School Department.
Regarding the budget, the School Department budget is 49% of the Town Budget and in the past, it’s been as high as 58%. We all need to learn more about net student spending and how that affects the money we receive from the state. It wasn’t until my first year on the Finance Committee that I began learning about that term.
I am open to learning, listening and being a resource for all parents who have students in our beautiful Town of Fairhaven Schools!
Please feel free to reach out to me at getpersonalpattie@gmail.com if you have any questions! I look forward to speaking to you!
Click here to download the 1/30/25 issue: 01-30-25 NewOfficers
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