Applications are now available to enter the lottery for affordable senior housing units at the Oxford School Residences, scheduled to open in the spring of 2022. Apartments at the old Oxford School, 347 Main St., Fairhaven, include on-site parking, on-site management, 24-hour emergency maintenance. Monthly rents are $889 for one bedroom, $1057, 2 BR. Rents are based on income.
To join a virtual informational session on 12/9/21 at 9 a.m. email to request an invitation.
Applicants will be chosen by lottery on 2/10/22. All applicants must meet the community’s Resident Selection Plan criteria.
For more information or to receive an application, call 781-915-3-71; TDD call 7-1-1; email,
Applications are available at: Millicent Library, 45 Center St.; Fairhaven Town Hall, 40 Center St.; Fairhaven Housing Authority, 275 Main St.; Fairhaven Senior Ctr., 229 Huttleston Ave.; online,
Applications will be taken until Jan. 31, 2022.
Mail complete applications to Oxford School, c/o HallKeen Management, 1400 Providence Highway, Ste. 1000, Norwood, MA 02062.
Click here to download the entire 11/18/21 issue: 11-18-21 VeteransParade
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