Press Release

The crew of Coast Guard Cutter Ida Lewis observe a submerged buoy in the water off Block Island, Rhode Island on April 24, 2017. The Ida Lewis is a 175-foot buoy tender homeported in Newport, Rhode Island. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Warrant Officer 3 Patrick Morkis)
The crew of Coast Guard Cutter Ida Lewis discovered a buoy sunk in the water with bullet holes, Monday, 4/24, near Block Island, Rhode Island.
The crew was conducting regular aids-to-navigation maintenance when they approached Clay Head buoy number 7 and found it submerged. The crew raised the 12,000-pound buoy and found 20 bullet holes in it.
Due to the extensive damage, this buoy was taken out of service for repairs. This aid to navigation marks a large rock three feet below the water’s surface. Ferries transit this route frequently and provide critical supplies to Block Island. Buoy number 7 is supposed to be a key navigational tool for mariners and turned into a navigational hazard.
This is the second aid discovered with bullet holes within a week.
“While it may be fun to use a buoy for target practice, it is a federal crime,” said Senior Chief Petty Officer Timothy Chase, the U.S. Coast Guard officer in charge of aids-to-navigation in the vicinity of Block Island. “Buoy number 7 became a navigational hazard that could have easily been struck by a vessel and seriously injured or killed mariners.”
Damaging or tampering with federal aids-to-navigation is a crime and the maximum penalties upon conviction are up to 20 years of imprisonment and as much as $2,500 fine per day for each violation.
Contact the North Shoreham Police Department at 401-466-3220 or the Coast Guard at 401-435-2351 with any information about this crime.
Coast Guard Cutter Ida Lewis is a 175-foot buoy tender homeported in Newport, Rhode Island. The crew services more than 200 buoys annually in southeastern New England.
Click here to download the entire 4/27/17 issue: 04-27-17 BikePathCleanup