The Fairhaven Health Department reminds all residents to contact Bristol County Mosquito Control to ensure all properties have been properly sprayed for mosquitos. As we reflect on last year’s problematic encounter with EEE, our awareness must be heightened during the upcoming summer months.
A note from Bristol County Mosquito Control: Residents can find information on our website www. control including a tentative spray schedule for which towns are done each day. Also daily, an updated list of street names will be posted for residents to see if there location is on the schedule for the following spray day. All of this information is weather dependent and can change if needed due to mosquito populations or virus detections.
Bristol County Mosquito Control may be reached at (508) 823-5253.
The Fairhaven Health Department strongly recommends following these precautions to protect against the threat of EEE:
• Use bug repellant (the CDC recommends using products that contain DEET, Permethrin, Picaridin, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus)
• Wear light-colored clothing and long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outside between dusk and dawn
• Avoid outdoor activity between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active
• Use mosquito netting on baby carriages, strollers and playpens for extra protection
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