Monday, 1/20/25, is Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. Here are few events honoring the legacy of Dr. King, a national leader in the Civil Rights movement, who was assassinated in 1968. To learn more about the life and legacy of Dr. King, visit https://the The national theme for 2025 is “Mission Possible: Protecting Freedom, Justice, and Democracy in the Spirit of Nonviolence365.”
New Bedford
The City of New Bedford presents the annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Community Progam, Bridging Divides: The Legacy of Hope, on Sun., 1/19, 3–4:30 p.m., at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, 136 Rivet St., New Bedford (entrance on County Street).
Keynote speaker is Dr. Melanie Edwards-Tavares, President and CEO of the SouthCoast Community Foundation. Creative Expression contest winners and special performances by Candida Rose, Aaliyah Turner, Bree LeFavor, Deolinda Mendes, Elario Burgo, Elliot Talley, and more.
Sponsored by: City of New Bedford Department of Community Services, Human Rights Commission.
23rd Annual MLK Breakfast
Each year, UMass Dartmouth hosts a special event to honor and celebrate the enduring legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The event will feature student performances, readings, and a keynote address from esteemed speaker Imari K. Paris Jeffries, Ph.D., as a tribute to Dr. King’s vision, leadership, and commitment to equality and justice, on Frid., 1/31, The Marketplace, 285 Old Westport Rd., Dartmouth.
Admission for students, faculty, and staff is complimentary. However, since seating is limited, you must register for the event at
Community guests can purchase tickets for $35.
Event Highlights
Imari K. Paris Jeffries, Ph.D., is the President and CEO of Embrace Boston, where he is leading a citywide racial equity transformation through The Embrace monument, the Embrace Center, and ongoing community organizing efforts. Imari is also a member of the University of Mass. Board of Trustees.
Imari brings a wealth of experience from the nonprofit management, racial equity, community activism, education reform, and social justice sectors and has served in executive roles at Parenting Journey, Jumpstart, Boston Rising, and Friends of The Children. Imari was recently named one of Boston’s most Influential Bostonians by Boston Magazine and the Boston Business Journal’s Power 50. He is a four-time graduate of UMass Boston and received his Ph.D. through UMass Boston’s Higher Education Program in June 2023.
The morning will feature a full breakfast, remarks from Chancellor Mark A. Fuller and UMassD students, and live musical performances. Breakfast is sponsored by the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
The Marketplace is located across from the Campus Center and above the Frederick Douglass Unity House. Parking is available in Lots 5 and 6.
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