By Beth David, Editor
Kate Machado is only 12, but she’s already been giving back to the community for years. Since she was about 9, the Fairhaven resident has been using her own money to buy toys for the less fortunate. Every year, throughout all the seasons, she uses her Christmas money, her birthday money, and money from family and friends to buy toys to donate to the Toys for Toys program run by the US Marines. She said it’s just something she has always felt she should do.
“Because some kids don’t have things at Christmastime,” she said, adding that some don’t have money, some don’t have toys.
Her grandmother, Cynthia Reddy, said the family is no stranger to tough times, so she and her daughter Kim both taught young Kate to appreciate that even though people do their best, there are many that are not as fortunate as she is.
Kate does not do any fund-raising, but she does get a lot of help from relatives.
“It’s a family thing,” said Kim, adding that if she sees something appropriate throughout the year, she is quick to grab it.
This year, Kate has collected more than 100 gifts for Toys for Tots.
The gifts run the gamut, all ages, all tastes, action games, board games, dolls and action figures. They admit, they have no idea how much they spent, and they all enjoy it.
They also admit that they are not sure how it all started. But they plan on continuing.
Kim said she believed it probably started when Kate was at the Wood School and the students were asked to bring a toy. The next thing they knew, a corner of the cellar was reserved for toys. Now, the project takes up much more than a corner.
Ms. Reddy said that she decided she could afford to buy one expensive gift, such as a bicycle, for a child, or she could buy a lot of smaller gifts.
“This way multiple children have Santa Claus, and a smile on their faces,” she said.
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