By Beth David, Editor
The Fairhaven Meals on Wheels program is still rolling. Anne Silvia, Fairhaven’s Council on Aging Director, wants seniors to know that their meals are still being delivered during the pandemic restrictions.
She also said that any Fairhaven senior who is not on the list but wants to have meals delivered, should call the senior center at 508-979-4029.
The program is part of Coastline Elderly’s Nutrition Program, and is administered by local Councils on Aging. Seth Thomas of Coastline, said the program operates in Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Marion, Mattapoisett, New Bedford and Rochester. They were delivering approximately 1600 meals a day, before the COVID-19 crisis.
Local COAs also run lunches at a low cost, but those have been discontinued due to the crisis. Mr. Thomas said the Meals on Wheels program has picked up approximately 150 more in the coverage area. He expects that more people who used to go to the lunches will want to sign up for the meal delivery service.
People get a noontime meal that is delivered between 10 a.m. and noon. The program is free, but there are eligibility requirements. Those who can afford to, are asked to donate $2 per meal.
If anyone wants to sign up, call Coastline Elderly at 508-999-6400, or o your local Council on Aging/Senior Center.
- Susan Ouimet, a staff member of Coastline Elderly’s Nutrition Program, fills cups with fruit cocktail at the Fairhaven Senior Center on 3/30/2020, to be included in meals for the Meals on Wheels program. Photo by Glenn C. Silva for the Neighb News.
- L-R Susan Ouimet and Nancy Kleinowskis of Coastline Eldery’s Nutrition Program, prepare meals for the Meals on Wheels Program at the Fairhaven Senior Center on 3/30/20. Photo by Glenn C. Silva for the Neighb News.
- Fairhaven Council on Aging Director Anne Silvia goes over the list of stops for the Meals on Wheels deliveries with volunteer driver Cameron Durant, while daughter Emilia gets camera shy, at the Fairhaven Senior Center on 3/30/20. Photo by Glenn C. Silva for the Neighb News.
- L-R: Coastline Elderly’s Nutrition Program worker, Susan Ouimet, fills cups of fruit cocktail so Ed Sojka, also from Coastline, can vacuum seal them and include them in the meals delivered on 3/30/20, from the Fairhaven Senior Center. Photo by Glenn C. Silva for the Neighb News.
- Ed Sojka a staff member from Coastline Elderly’s Nutrition Program opens a can of fruit cocktail that will be distributed to seniors in the Meals on Wheels program from the Fairhaven Senior Center on 3/30/20. Photo by Glenn C. Silva for the Neighb News.
- Volunteer driver Cameron Durant loads up his car with meals from the Meals on Wheels program with Fairhaven Council on Aging Director Anne Silvia at the Fairhaven Senior Center on 3/30/20. Photo by Glenn C. Silva for the Neighb News.
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