The Friends of the Millicent Library held its second annual Limerick Party, on Saturday, 4/27, at the Millicent Library, to announe the winners of the Limerick Contest. Special thanks to Cleary’s Pub, Wah May, Kenny’s Garden Center, Oxford Creamery, Pasta House, Mac’s Soda Bar, and Euro’s for donating prizes.
2019 Limerick Winners/Themes
Fairhaven (adults)
Old Rogers sure was diligent
He gave us the wonderful Millicent
With gargoyles and glass
It was sure built to last
and glow bright like an Edison filament.
—Allen Constant
The great football player Gronkowski
Is happy go lucky, not grouchy
He can run with the ball
For a big touchdown call
With a “spike” at the end that we all see.
—Elly Mayo
Nature (adults)
There was an old lady named Hyde,
Who ate a green apple and died.
The apple fermented
Inside the lamented
And made cider inside her inside.
—David Lupo
Does your family watch TV all day?
Does Fox News, CNN make you pray
that the divisions we see
in this land of the free
Make you wish that they’d all go away?
—Martha Berg
One day as he came from his lair
Our Bernie did say “single payer —
It’ll save us all money
And bring milk and honey
And ensure that I beat that young mayor!
—Mike Luey
Fairhaven (teenagers)
Once in the sacred forests of Fairhaven
Lurked a tall, black and scary raven
Who talked all night
And flew in fright
Of the humans who walk this new haven.
—Nathan Tavares
Hobbies (teenagers)
There was a little girl who loved to run
She always went for a run in the sun
Although she was quite slow
She always put on a great show
And she always had a lot of fun.
—Kayla Pires
Nature (teenagers)
The snow in this town is all grey
I’m ready for spring and warm days
The flowers are blooming
My thoughts are not gloomy
Cause the sun will be back one day.
—Ivy Surprenant
Nature (teenagers)
There was an old lady with a coat
She always put her lifejacket on in the boat
But when she went to put it on
She realized it was gone
So then she decided to lie there and float
—Cassandra Savery
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