What’s in an Election?
At the age of 62 I’ve become a little cynical towards politics and politicians. If I had my way, I would re-elect not a single one of them. Their accomplishments are few if any, and they cost us a fortune in pay and benefits. But I must return to the real world and know that we have to “vote.” Apathy has gotten us to where we are today. So we must vote.
Truthfully, I’ve become a political atheist!!! The only thing is that I despise one party more than the other. But I do believe there is more hope for the nation with one of the parties than the other, so I still vote, every election cycle. But there are some who I absolutely will not vote for, Charlie Baker being one. A vile Republican, perfect Democrat.
So the season of bloviating is upon us, with empty promises and a vision for America that the majority of Americans do not want. Americans want to be free not wards of the state. We want to go tot work, support our families, and take a two-week vacation during the summer months. But more and more, every aspect of the American dream is becoming further out of reach. Now even a weekend in Maine is not feasible!
Needless to say, I’ve had enough. That’s why I’m writing this article. But here’s the problem. The reality of what is going on today is that we have accepted a ruling class to RULE the people. They no longer govern, they rule, by executive orders, by dictates, more often than not against the will of the people. For example, did you vote to shut down the oil pipeline and for four-dollar gas? Did you vote to shut down the country for two years because of a bad flue and destroy the economy?
So if we are to reclaim our country, then you have to vote. No sitting on the sidelines complaining about everything. No crowing that they’re all alike, because they’re not. I believe that there are good and decent people who get into politics, but they are either corrupted or drowned out by the sewer.
If you don’t like the way things are then get off your butt and vote. Maybe we can sent a message to the ruling class of today by re-electing no one. Send a new crop of politicians to Beacon Hill and Washington, D.C., and see if they suck as much as the present group that’s ruling (not representing) us. Maybe it’s a message that will wake up the political class. If the new group isn’t any better than the present group, then we re-elect no one again. We send another group until they get it: “Of the people, by the people,.” It will take once or twice and they’ll get it.
So what’s in an election?
Higher gas prices, runaway inflation, sky rocketing rent, home ownership/gone, milk up, chicken up, steak ridiculous, baby formula/keep looking, utility bill (OMG), another “war” that seems to have no end, electric cars that no one wants, etc., etc., etc. This is what’s in an election.
Allen B. Lentini, Fairhaven
Click here to download the entire 8/4/22 issue: 08-04-22 QuahogRelay
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