Wanted!!! 1970s War Protesters
One of the fe benefits of growing old is that we get to look back at the history that has brought us to this point, where we are now. I grew up during the war protests of the 60s &i 70s against the Vietnam War. I did not serve in that war, I was 14 when the war supposedly ended. But my brother came home 100% disabled and i joined him with the protest of Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
I ask myself, with 20 years of war in the Middle East and a proxy war that we are now engaged in with Russia, where are the protests, where’s this generation’s Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young? Apparently they’re too busy changing their Depends to give a damn.
Vietnam killed 58,000 of America’s finest, and another 100,000 came home and committed suicide. Today, 22-25 of our finest commit suicide every day. But at least we can thank them for their service rather than call them baby killers.
Still, where are the protests against endless wars and the Military Industrial Complex? Have enough of the Baby Boomers gotten rich off of the wars that they now no longer care?
Have you noticed the poverty that these endless wars have brought us into, and also the world around us. Surely George Bush and House of Representatives 357-66 and the Senate 98-1 couldn’t have given us “The Patriot Act” without Islamic boogeymen and the need to go to twar in the Middle East for 20 years. Don’t you just love how the “Patriot Act” takes a patriotic dump on the Constitution of the United States of America?
And how they can now do anything to the citizens of American in the name of terrorism.
Still, where are the protests? All of this done in the name of war and protection. Let’s fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here. And now freedom loving Americans have become the enemy.
So now the drums of war are beating again. This time with superpowers Russia and China. Not against some seventh century jhadists who still wipe their ass with their left hand. No this time we want to pick a fight with nations whose nuclear weapons are as great as ours. And maybe better.
So, where are the protests?
Do we have to look like Hiroshima and Nagasaki to figure out that it wasn’t a good idea to pick a fight with Russia and China? And for the warmongers, even if we unload on them, we still look like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Maybe we can pull Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young out of their crypt and do an updated version of “Find the Cost of Freedom.” But then again, their guy is in the White House and I’m sure they do’t want to offend “their guy.”
Maybe we could get all the professional protesters, you know, George Soros’s employees*, to bring a little attention to the wars. Because if a nuke goes of you won’t have to worry about protesters with pink vaginas on your heads anymore.
So where are the anti-war crowd? I miss you. Haven’t seen you since the70s. Please come out. Your nation needs you once again. Maybe we can really be for “peace.”
Allen B. Lentini, Fairhaven
*This claim has been debunked many times. There is no evidence that George Soros or his company paid protesters.
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