Here we Go Again
Unfortunately, I am unable to attend the upcoming Town meeting, Tuesday 11/14/23.
The majority of Articles to be acted upon seem relatively routine; however, there is one Article, Article 12, that seems to be flying under the radar. Once again, it is an attempt to alter the status of the Town Clerk from an elected position to an appointed position.
Please take note of the fact that this issue has been thoroughly debated and defeated in a number of Town Meetings. Resurrecting this issue to manipulate the desired outcome of a small group of people in essence thwarts the will and spirit of the role of Town Meeting in our governance.
The impact of a change in status of the Town Clerk position, once made will be forever.
The study done in 2018 by the Town Clerk Study Committee referred to in the Warrant has long since passed. Why is it being resurrected now?
It is stated that the majority on that committee recommended a change; however, a minority report was also submitted at that time and Town Meeting voted not to change the Town Clerk position from an elected one to an appointed one.
Making this role an appointed one would only serve to further solidify the power in the Town Hall, undermining citizen participation and power in determining who they wish to provide governmental services.
The Town Clerk’s Office is probably the busiest office in the Town Hall. It is a role that directly serves and supports the citizens of this town on many levels. Most importantly, this Office secures our election process independent of internal organizational politics.
Over the years we have been served well by those we ourselves have chosen to serve in this role
“If it isn’t broke don’t fix it.”
If we give up our right to vote, we will never get it back. Increasing control will rest with the Town Hall, and we will have an increasingly diminishing say in who and how you are governed.
The right to choose, vote, and elect are basic to a free and open society. As such, I implore you to defeat Article 12 again.
Bernard F Roderick, Fairhaven
Click here to download the 11/9/23 issue: 11-09-23 PickleballLivesey
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