Firefighters Union Responds to TA’s Remarks
The union would like to respond to the statements that Ms. Ellison made at the Select Board meeting on 9/19/22 (see 9/22/22 issue). The only accurate statement that was made was “when you call 911 for an ambulance, an ambulance will go, fires will be put out”.
She is right that the union is in negotiations, however we have been addressing the unsafe staffing levels prior to her taking the job as our town administrator. Her statement pertaining to these things normally not getting out to the public, is incorrect. Her statement that staffing levels are not causing a safety issue is also incorrect. Any time one firefighter responds in a piece of apparatus alone is a huge safety risk to not only the taxpayers, but the lives of our fire fighters as well.
This stance and mindset is concerning as it shows she does not truly grasp the situation at hand, nor is she concerned at the safety issue at hand. We will continue to rely heavily on the mutual aid of other towns until our town decides to take the necessary action to correct our unsafe staffing levels. This means that our Fairhaven community will wait an upwards of 15 minutes for an out of town ambulance or engine to respond. Anytime the community has a delayed response, people will suffer. So yes, as far as we are concerned that is a safety issue for our community.
***A reminder that after just 4 minutes without oxygen, permanent brain damage will begin, and death can occur 4-6 minutes later.****
The union is not trying to scare the community or strike fear in anyone. We are simply trying to educate everyone to the unfortunate reality of the situation that has been overlooked for far too long.
This is where we are at. All too often we respond out of the station with just one person on an apparatus. Our emergency call volume is on the rise, and the town of Fairhaven is expanding. The Fire Department needs to grow with the town also. All we are asking for is for the truth and facts to be spoken on this issue.
For people who are unsure why we were unable to speak at town meeting: we have been in negotiations and certain ground rules are in place where we are not able to publicly speak on certain issues. Speaking at the town meeting would have not only resulted in an unfair labor charge against the union, but would have been done in bad faith. We are trying to address this issue correctly without spreading lies and speaking incorrectly.
Respectfully, Kevin Gonsalves Jr., President, Local 1555, Fairhaven Firefighters Association
Click here to download the entire 9/29/22 issue: 09-29-22 BenoitSq
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