Fairhaven Zoning Board of Appeals
The Fairhaven Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 6:00 PM in the Town Hall to consider the following petition(s):
1. Petitioner: Emanuel & Ann Marie Correia, RE: 32 Calumet Road, Plat 29B, Lots: 555, 556. Book 12493, Page 156. Variance requested for minimum setbacks for demolition & rebuilding of a single family dwelling: 5’ variance request from front yard, 10’ request from side yard, 1% over maximum lot coverage, and 2% over maximum building coverage is proposed. Variance requested to reduce the lot size requirement from 30,000 sq ft to 3400 sq ft.
2. Petitioner: 108 Sycamore Street Realty Trust, Plat 20, Lot 33, Book 10950, Page 50. 198-18: Variance request for 17’ on front yard, 5’ on side yard & 24’ rear yard to construct a 2 family home. Variance to reduce the lot size requirement from 22,500 sq ft. to 6600 sq ft.
3. Petitioner:5 Jenney Street, Scott Messier, Plot 31A, Lot 470; Book 3921, Page 194. 198-18: Variance requested to reduce the rear yard setback requirement from 30’ to 20’. 198-22: Variance request for 500’ sq ft. over the maximum, 700’ sq ft. of floor area.
Peter DeTerra, Chairman
8/23/18 & 8/30/18
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