Fairhaven Planning Board
Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at 6:30 pm
Banquet Room, Town Hall, 40 Center Street
Fairhaven, Massachusetts
- PLN-19-001 40 Sconticut Neck Road Special Permit application by Stuart J. Ryan, Jr. pursuant to Zoning Bylaw Section 198-29(2), Additions or enlargements that would require a total of five or more parking spaces, for a proposal to construct an addition to the front of an existing adult day health center, at the property located at 40 Sconticut Neck Road, Assessors Map 28, Parcel 24G.
Copies of the applications listed in this hearing notice may be viewed at the Office of Planning & Economic Development in Town Hall, located at 40 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA.
Wayne Hayward, Chairman of the Planning Board
7/26/18 & 8/2/18
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