Fairhaven Planning Board
Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 6:30 pm
Banquet Room, Town Hall, 40 Center Street
Fairhaven, Massachusetts
1) PLN-19-00314 Plaza Way. Special Permit application by Bohler Engineering on behalf of MCZ Realty LLC, pursuant to Zoning Bylaw Section 198-27(A)(3)(a), New construction that would require a total of five or more parking spaces counting existing and new demand, and Section 198-16, Use Regulation Schedule, Drive Through Window, for a proposal to construct a new, 2,002 sf Dunkin Donuts with drive-through window in an existing parking area, at the property located at 14 Plaza Way, Assessors Map 27, Parcel 13, in the Business Zoning District. The application includes a request to waive sections 198-27(C)(4) and 198-19(B) of the Zoning Bylaw, pertaining to an existing non-conforming landscape buffer strip and a proposed non-conforming 42 inch fence, both within the front yard setback.
2. Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment – Draft Marijuana Zoning Bylaw The Planning Board will hold a public hearing to hear comments from the public on a proposed Draft Marijuana Zoning Bylaw, in order to provide for the safe and deliberate implementation of the recreational marijuana law that both protects the health and safety of Fairhaven residents and property owners, and respects the majority of Fairhaven voters who approved the ballot question. This zoning will encompass and replace the existing medical marijuana zoning.
Copies of the application and the Draft Marijuana Zoning Bylaw listed in this hearing notice may be viewed at the Office of Planning & Economic Development in Town Hall, located at 40 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA.
Wayne Hayward, Chairman of the Planning Board
9/20/18 & 9/27/18
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