Fairhaven Planning Board
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 6:30 pm
Banquet Room, Town Hall, 40 Center Street
Fairhaven, Massachusetts
1) PLN-19-002 24 Water Street and 7 Union Wharf Special Permit application by Kevin McLaughlin on behalf of Old South Wharf Realty LLC and Casey Boat Yard LLC, pursuant to Zoning Bylaw Sections 198-29(1) and 198-27(A)(3)(a), New construction that would require a total of five or more parking spaces counting existing and new demand, for a proposal to demolish four existing buildings totaling 34,522 sf and construct three new buildings totaling 28,560 sf including a portable shed, at the property located at 24 Water Street and 7 Union Wharf, Assessors Map 7, Parcels 1 & 11, in the Industrial Zoning District.
Copies of the applications listed in this hearing notice may be viewed at the Office of Planning & Economic Development in Town Hall, located at 40 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA.
Wayne Hayward, Chairman of the Planning Board
9/6/18 & 9/13/18
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