Fairhaven Conservation Commission
The Fairhaven Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing on March 26, 2018 at 6:30 P.M. In the Fairhaven Town Hall, Purpose is for the Request for Determination of the following matters as required by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 131 Section 40 as amended.
• Request for Determination Applicant Christopher Ingrande Location 689 Sconticut Neck Road plot 42 Lot 14A Purpose construct a wall with 2’ x 4’ blocks fill and loam and construct pole barn within 100’ of BVW and a VE flood zone.
• Request for Determination Applicant Buzzards Bay Coalition Location Shaw Road Plot 32/33 Lots 37/25 Purpose create walking trails on the Carvalho Farm.
• Request for Determination Acushnet River Safe Boating Club c/o Craig Guenette Location 80 Middle Street Plot11 Lot 10 Purpose repair of bulkhead.
Jay Simmons, Chairman
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Click here to download the entire 3/15/18 issue: 03-15-18 Snowstorm