Fairhaven Board of Health Notice of Public Hearing
The Fairhaven Board of Health is hosting a public hearing at 5 p.m. on DECEMBER 18, 2024, to review and hear comments relative to proposed changes to the Fairhaven Board of Health regulations titled, “Restricting the Sale of Tobacco and Nicotine Delivery Products.” The Public Hearing will be held in-person at 40 Center St. Fairhaven, MA 02719, and via Zoom (https://us06web.zoom.us/j/95313326052?pwd=UEFiVzVKUDA5eExrTDN6RXBWMzYvUT09 or call 1-929-205-6099 Meeting ID: 953 1332 6052 Passcode: 118417).
The proposed regulation changes include but are not limited to: the addition of language from the 2020 state law change (105 CMR 665), prohibition of smoking bars, increase in the minimum pricing for cigar sales, and more.
A copy of these draft regulations is available for pickup at the Fairhaven Board of Health (40 Center St. Fairhaven, MA 02719) or on the Fairhaven Board of Health website: www.fairhaven-ma.gov/board-health
You are welcome to attend the Public Hearing in person (40 Center St. Fairhaven, MA 02719) or virtually via Zoom. You also may submit written comment to the Fairhaven Board of Health by mail: 40 Center St. Fairhaven, MA 02719.
FNN 12/5/24, 12/12/24
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