Acushnet Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearings
The Zoning Board of Appeals is hereby giving notice that a meeting will be held by the Board on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 6:30 P.M. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room located at 122 Main Street.
• Case #2025.03.25A A case of Benedict Properties LLC of 36 County Street who is petitioning the Board for three variances to convert a single lot into three individual lots for the construction of single family homes on Lots A & Lot C and an existing home on Lot B. All three lots before the ZBA require the same zoning relief for Frontage, Lot Size & Buildable Upland.
• Case #2025.03.25B A case of Buzzards Bay Coalition of 91 South Main Street who is petitioning the Board for a variance from the Acushnet Zoning Bylaws, Section 3.3.2(e)(1), Minimum Lot Area, to create two buildable lots. The Applicant has engaged an engineering firm to prepare an ANR to subdivide the 15,900 square foot parcel of land into two (2) buildable lots. The Applicant seeks to divide the property to create a house lot and a garage lot with the ANR Plan. The Applicant states the house lot will be sold and the garage lot will be retained by the Applicant to service the abutting 17 acre conservation restricted parcel they purchased.
• Case #2025.03.25C A case of Frank A. & Karen L. Knox for property located at Mendall Road who is petitioning the Board for two variances from Section 3.3.C., 14 lines 3 & 5, Driveway Construction Standards for the proposed construction of a Common Driveway for three residential house lots. Assessors Map#9, Lots 24A & portion of 18H. The required driveway construction standards cannot be met due to the narrow (retreat) lot shape and significant topographical changes.
• Case #2025.03.25D A case of Norman Shurtleff for property located at 79 Middle Road who is petitioning the Board for two variances from Section 3.3.1 (E) (1), Minimum lot area & Section 3.3.1 (E) (2), Minimum frontage, to create two buildable lots. The Applicant has engaged an engineering firm to prepare an ANR Plan to subdivide the 20,327 square foot parcel of land into two (2) buildable lots. The Applicant seeks to divide the property to create a house lot and a to be constructed house lot with an ANR Plan.
***Plans are available for public view in the Town Clerk’s office, 130 Main St., Acushnet, during their normal business hours***
FNN, 3/6/25, 3/13/25
Click here to download the 3/13/25 issue: 03-13-25 TreeDown
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